by Team
| Updates And Fixes Surfguard is here! It’s a browser addition powered by our web safety platform, which lets you preview status of a link before clicking on it. If a link is unsafe, you’ll get a pop-up notification when hovering your mouse over it.
Everyone who often deals with the Web has ever heard the term ‘phishing attack’. Today we will explain what a phishing attack is, reveal its mechanisms, and give you effective tips on how to recognize and rebuff any phishing attempts.
It comes as no surprise that every website owner who worked day and night to build his/her project is always in search of ‘holy grail’ trying to invent a better way to retain visitors, get people interested, focused on the site’s content, and then straightforwardly converted into sales or sale leads.
If you run a free membership site of any kind, then you surely have a first-hand experience of dealing with spam signups. Such fake registrations are a pure garbage that adds no value to your user base, ruins the overall picture of your audience, and can do no good to any marketing efforts: the more […]